Important notes
- The condition to pass the class is the completion of a homework assigment that depends on the use of GPlates.
- Your task will be to write a short report (maximum three A4 pages) with illustrations. Use Times New Roman 12pt, with 1.5 spacing or comparable.
- The due date for the exercise is the last day of the lecturing period (2024-07-19 Fri).
- The assignmnent will not be graded, but you cannot pass the class if it is not finished.
- You can also do the assignment in small groups.
- The assignment can be written in German, but English is also welcome.
- The link to upload the finished assignment files is on StudOn!
The assignment
- Write a short report on the history of the tectonic units of Germany using the PaleoMAP model with particular focus on Erlangen!
- Hint: ESRI shapefiles can also be used in a similar way to points to store polygon information (e.g. boundaries of shapes). These shapefiles include data of Germany at 3 different levels of detail. You can use the Landkreis-level polygons to trace different parts of the country. You can also assign plate IDs to the polygons using the Assign Plate IDs menu item.
Some Ideas
- Create a series of maps proving that the terranes of Germany were not always together.
- When did the terranes first connect?
- Describe the approximate history of the terranes, which super/megacontinents they took part in.
- Put Erlangen on the PaleoMAP PaleoAtlas map, and show where the city was in Pangean times (e.g. at the Permian/Triassic boundary)?
- Approximately what was the southernmost paleolatitude that Erlangen was at in the Phanerozoic?