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This will be my personal webpage. It is getting built and is has nothing but lots of love and placeholders. Be sure to check back later!

“Do more science… just really weird, f*cked-up sh*t… stuff where even you’re like: ‘Man, I shouldn’t have done that’… do that!”

Latest Posts

rgplates updated!
rgplates updated!

The rgplates package was updated to v0.5.0. THe update focused on introducing rasters as reconstructable features, and on querying plate velocities on static polygons (examples will be added later). See the changelog for the details.

rgplates updated!
rgplates updated!

The rgplates package was updated to v0.4.1. The update focused on allowing users to use a local implementation of the GPlates Web Service. See the changelog for the details.

icosa updated & moved!
icosa updated & moved!

The source code of icosa R package was moved to its own dedicated GitHub organization icosa-grid as a preparatory step to refactor the package. Correspondingly the R package’s website has moved to https://icosa-grid.github.io/R-icosa/. Also icosa was updated to 0.11.1 (on the CRAN). See change log for the details.