Read in files and execute scripts

Exercise Type: Implementation


The following exercises are about processing data that you have to read in from a file. For every part of the exercises you are expected to

  1. Download a data file
  2. Put the datafile into a specific place
  3. Modify the path to the file in the code snippet,
  4. Run the code to produce a plot from the downloaded data!

Part 1

  1. Download this file to the hard drive: volcano.rds
  2. Make sure that the file is in the Downloads directory (on Windows this is C:\Users<Username>\Downloads)
  3. Modify and run this bit of code until you see a nice plot appearing!
volcano <- readRDS("<path to file, ending with/volcano.rds>")

Part 2

  1. Download this file to the hard drive: normal.txt
  2. Put the file in the Desktop directory (on Windows this is C:\Users<Username>\Desktop)
  3. Modify and run this bit of code until you see a nice plot appearing!
normal <- scan("<path to file, ending with/normal.txt>")

Part 3

  1. Download this two files to the hard drive: spiral_x.txt and spiral_y.txt
  2. Put the files in the same directory somewhere!
  3. Modify and run this bit of code until you see a nice plot appearing!
# set working directory
setwd("<path to working directory>")
x <- scan("spiral_x.txt")
y <- scan("spiral_y.txt")
plot(x,y, col="#44999911", pch=16, cex=2)