R programming
This is a simple welcome page.
Table of contents
- Operator types
- Expanding R statements
- Messaging pasted values
- Exercises with Boolean algebra
- Length of character strings
- Types of variables
- Messaging the length of character strings
- Compliment based on character length
- Correcting syntax of if statements
- Message based on calculation result
- Predict results of these function calls
- Correct function definition syntax
- The volume of a sphere
- Fahrenheit to Celsius Calculator
- Printing types
- Type-dependent feedback
- Is x a number and positive?
- Printing numbers from 1 to 10
- Multiplication with a while() loop
- Calculating n!
- Degrees to radians calculator
- Repeat message n times
- Printing values divisible by 7
- Visualize the approximation of the Euler's number e
- Drawing a circle
- Golden Rectangles
- Circles in circle
- Exponents with while
- Estimate Euler's number with a given number of iterations
- Add axis to the right side of a plot
- Approximate Euler's number and store intermediates in a vector
- Repeat a value a number of times
- Assess the validity of file paths
- Read in files and execute scripts
- Number-coded message
- Paraphrasing a sequence
- Length of geologic periods
- Counting the occurrences of Favia
- Number epochs in geological periods
- Body mass of penguins in 2009
- Carnivore genera in the Paleobiology Database
- Brachiopods in OBIS
- Nested if statements
- Replacing values based on divisibility
- Printing numbers from 1 to 10 with a for loop
- Repeat message n times with for
- Distance matrix between points
- Matrix of circle points
- Longest same-results sequence of heads or tails
- Subset every third value in a vector
- Drawing a circle - take 2
- Subset vector to divisible parts
- Are these functions vectorized?
- Drawing a circle - take 3 (polygon)
- IUCN Chameleon Data
- The mollusk subset of Sepkoski's compendium
- The PaleoReefs Database